Wednesday, August 6, 2008

MGA Won! And other doggy news

I am so happy to announce that MGA (Midwest Greyhound Adoption) won the Chicago Pet Directory Contest! (the original post about the contest is here)

Thank you if you did take the time to vote in July. Winning this contest means the group will receive some free marketing assistance and a cash prize. Since MGA always takes in so many broken leg dogs (about 80% of their dogs) this is a "greyt" win for them.

Again thank you all for helping MGA WINNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cocoa Mulch Can Be Harmful to Pets

This is one of those round-robin emails that frequently travels all over the world to end up in my email; however, I checked this one out on and it is legit. If you use cocoa mulch in your garden and have animals that spend time there to you should read about the possible problems here .

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