UPDATE: As of Dec 2 the shoes are clean! Congrats to theredqueen who guessed Dec 1 and was the closest guess we had. Your prize will be coming shortly!
This is what I came home to last weekend after Hubby and my little guy where doing yard work. Both of their shoes tossed outside along the driveway. Can you guess what is on them?? Come on, take a guess............
Nope, not mud. It's worse, much worse.
It's dog poop.
The good news is that the shoes have made it from the driveway to the back deck. The bad news is they are still in their less-than-dignified condition four days later.
Here is the giveway part - how many days do you think it will take Hubby to clean BOTH pairs of shoes and return them to the inside of the house? Count days starting from November 15, the day the poop incident occured.
Winner gets.... something yet to be determined but it will be a worthwhile little prize - possibly a handknit item from yours truly. One entry per person please :-)
So get to posting your guesses!
Can I guess infinity? No, okay...I guess one day MORE than you can tolerate - how is that?
I know how it is at my house; if I finally get annoyed and start to take care of something, my husband will inevitably say "I was going to do that tomorrow."
Tomorrow, tomorrow, you're always a day away.
Ha ha! But I am bound and determined not to touch those shoes - so what that my little guy only has one other pair - I ain't touchin' 'em! Nope, ain't gonna do it. Rain nor sleet or even snow is gonna get me to clean those shoes.
Let's see. Hubby has to clean them? Does he know it yet? If he hasn't done by Saturday then it aint never gonna happen. So I say he'll do it on the 22nd.
Well, technically I haven't told him that he needs to clean them but I've been trying to teach him intuitive parenting - you know, when you have a thought process that goes something like this: "I was with my son when he stepped in dog poop, I had the good sense to remove the shoes outside of the house and the additional sense to move them from the driveway to the deck so now I need to clean them and bring them back into the hous." I don't want to sound mean, but being a recovering over-functioner, it's kind of a good exercise for me to allow him to do this on his own - without me taking care of it. So Susan, we got 'cha down for 11/22!
We deal with this issue quite often. The worst part is that we don't have a dog. I also have plenty of experience dealing with trying to get my husband to do stuff around here. Put me down for Dec. 1st.
Hey Noelle,
I'm going to guess that it will be this Saturday, November 29. That's the day I hope to get mine done, and they have been sitting around since the raking (and associated walking in leaves and other stuff in the back yard) on the 13th. You have to let it all dry, you know!
Faith, you are too kind! Yes, I'll give Hubby the benefit of the doubt and assume he is waiting for the poop to dry - make it easier to clean and all. The shoes are still there, right at the back door and in clear vision every time you let the dog out. I'm hoping your guess is right 'cuz I want my little guy's sneakers back!
I say a month and a half.
UPDATE - 11/26/08. This morning Hubby got my son dressed. He was aimlessly walking around the house saying "I can't find his sneakers" so I felt obligated to remind him they were on the deck (where he left them two weekens ago, but I left off that last part). He said "ohhh, that's right!" so we'll see if this weekend is the one they get cleaned... Faith, you may be in the running for the prize!
I think they'll stay outside until after the first really heavy snow fall. After that they'll be good and wet and frozen and possibly ruined.
In years to come, when the story is retold, he'll say that the snow came the same day and he never had a chance to clean them.
Can you guess that I'm retelling a story from my own home?
Well, the 29th has come and gone and the shoes are STILL out there... he may redeem himself and do it tomorrow. More updates to come my friends :-)
This is better than Survivor...
I kind of feel sorry for him - he has no idea we are documenting what he is (not) doing... it's funny but not at the same time.
UPDATE! First substantial snow fall yesterday - a few inches worth - the shoes remain on the deck...
I've been through this more times than I can count. Now that they've been snowed on, I'm sure the shoes will stay there until they are ruined.
The thing I hate about these situations is that my hubby never really learns a lesson and we're just out a pair of shoes which costs us all in the long run. Uhg.
Funny thing is - HIS shoes are out there right next to my little guy's shoes. Maybe he won't learn a lesson but he'll be skippying a week's worth of Starbucks and lunchs out when he has to buy another pair of sneakers for each of them. Once something has to come out of his personal "spending money" he tends to remember it.
OK - Jennifer shamed me into it... last night I finally let my irritation get to me and I yelled at Hubby. He acted all surprised ("huh? wha?? poopy shoes on the deck??") but the good news is that at 9pm on Dec 2 they were clean. So it looks like theredqueen is the closest guesser with her Dec 1 entry! Yay!! You get your choice of 1) a box of Barefoot Contessa notecards (blank inside), 2) a pack of Bath and Body Works bath "teas" or 3) a small handknit item by yours truly. Thanks for playing everyone and helping me see some humor in this :-)
Glad to hear that the shoes are finally clean. How is it that husbands can be so buffaloed by basic things, like taking care of shoes that HE placed outside? Sheesh.
Anyway, this was great fun!
How could I turn down a handknit item?? I'm excited to see what it is! I'm glad to hear that the little one finally has his shoes back.
OK, should we start a new contest on how long the shoes will remain in the laundry room (in the basement which may as well be Siberia as far as my sweet Hubby is concerned)??
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